How to Grow Hydroponic Strawberries

Hydroponic farming has revolutionized the way we grow fruits and vegetables, and strawberries are no exception. Hydroponic strawberry farming has several advantages, such as faster growth, higher yields, and reduced water consumption.

In this article, we will discuss how to grow hydroponic strawberries, step by step.

Benefits of Hydroponic Strawberry Farming

Hydroponic farming is becoming increasingly popular among farmers and gardeners because of its several benefits. Hydroponic strawberry farming has the following advantages:

  1. Faster growth: Hydroponic strawberries grow faster than those grown in soil because they receive a constant supply of nutrients and water.
  2. Higher yields: Hydroponic strawberries can produce higher yields compared to soil-grown strawberries because they have access to the right amount of nutrients and water.
  3. Reduced water consumption: Hydroponic farming requires less water than traditional soil-based farming because the water is recycled and reused.

Choosing the Right Variety of Strawberries

When it comes to choosing the right variety of strawberries for hydroponic farming, there are several options to consider. Some of the most popular varieties of strawberries for hydroponic farming are:

  1. Albion
  2. Seascape
  3. Chandler
  4. Tribute
  5. Camarosa

Setting up the Hydroponic System

Choosing the Hydroponic System

There are several types of hydroponic systems available, but the most common system used for growing strawberries is the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system. The NFT system is ideal for strawberries because it provides a constant supply of nutrients and water.

Setting up the Hydroponic System

To set up the hydroponic system, you will need the following materials:

  1. NFT channels
  2. Water pump
  3. Nutrient solution tank
  4. Net pots
  5. Growing media
  6. pH and EC meter

Nutrient Solution

The nutrient solution is a critical aspect of hydroponic farming. You can either buy a pre-made nutrient solution or make one yourself. The nutrient solution should contain the following essential elements:

  1. Nitrogen (N)
  2. Phosphorus (P)
  3. Potassium (K)
  4. Calcium (Ca)
  5. Magnesium (Mg)
  6. Iron (Fe)
  7. Zinc (Zn)
  8. Manganese (Mn)
  9. Copper (Cu)
  10. Boron (B)
  11. Molybdenum (Mo)

pH and EC Levels

The pH and EC levels of the nutrient solution are crucial for the growth and development of hydroponic strawberries. The ideal pH level for hydroponic strawberries is between 5.5 and 6.5, and the ideal EC level is between 1.2 and 2.5.

Planting the Strawberries

Transplanting Seedlings

When transplanting seedlings, it’s essential to make sure that the roots are not damaged. Gently remove the seedling from its original container, and carefully separate any tangled roots. It’s also important to make sure that the plant is not too wet or too dry before transplanting.

After separating the roots, place the plant in a net pot filled with the growing media. The growing media can be made up of various materials, such as perlite, vermiculite, or coconut coir. Make sure that the roots are covered with the growing media, and the crown (the area where the stem meets the roots) is slightly above the media level.

Caring for the Plants

Hydroponic strawberries require specific care to ensure optimal growth and yield. Here are some essential tips for caring for your hydroponic strawberry plants:

  1. Watering: Hydroponic strawberries require a constant supply of water, so make sure to keep the water level in the nutrient solution tank consistent. The plants should never dry out, nor should they be submerged in water.
  2. Lighting: Hydroponic strawberries require at least six hours of sunlight per day, so if you’re growing indoors, make sure to provide sufficient artificial lighting.
  3. Temperature and Humidity: The ideal temperature for hydroponic strawberries is between 60-75°F, with humidity levels between 70-80%.
  4. Nutrient Solution: Make sure to monitor the nutrient solution’s pH and EC levels regularly, as fluctuations can harm the plants. The nutrient solution should be changed every two weeks to prevent nutrient deficiencies.
  5. Pollination: Unlike soil-grown strawberries, hydroponic strawberries need to be pollinated by hand. Use a soft-bristled brush or cotton swab to transfer pollen from the male flowers to the female flowers.

Harvesting the Strawberries

Hydroponic strawberries can be harvested when they are fully ripe and red. The fruit should be firm and plump, with no signs of mold or rot. It’s important to pick the strawberries gently, so as not to damage the plant or the remaining fruit.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Even with proper care, hydroponic strawberries can still experience problems. Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

  1. Root Rot: Root rot is a common problem in hydroponic systems, caused by a buildup of bacteria in the nutrient solution. To prevent root rot, make sure to change the nutrient solution regularly and maintain proper pH and EC levels.
  2. Nutrient Deficiencies: If the leaves of the plants start to turn yellow or brown, it could be a sign of nutrient deficiencies. Check the nutrient solution’s pH and EC levels and adjust accordingly.
  3. Pest Infestations: Hydroponic strawberries can be prone to pest infestations, such as spider mites and aphids. Use organic pest control methods or consult with a professional if the infestation is severe.


What are the benefits of hydroponic strawberry farming?

Hydroponic strawberries grow faster, yield more, and use less water compared to soil-grown strawberries.

What is the best variety of strawberries for hydroponic farming?

Some of the most popular varieties of strawberries for hydroponic farming are Albion, Seascape, and Chandler.


Growing hydroponic strawberries can be a fun and rewarding experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can grow delicious, healthy strawberries all year round. Remember to choose the right variety of strawberries, set up the hydroponic system correctly, care for the plants, and troubleshoot common problems.


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