Parsley Plant Turning White: How can you fix this?

Parsley can be referred to as a magical plant due to its amazing versatility and resilience. After all, it adds a bit of freshness to just about any meal. Moreover, it’s also super easy to grow.

Yet, if you find your parsley plant turning white, don’t break a sweat.

Think of this post as a gift from us to you. We’ll show you the common reasons this may occur and how you can solve the issue.

If that grabbed your attention, you’ll definitely enjoy what we have in store for you. So without wasting any more time, let’s dive straight into the details.

SymptomsPossible CausesRemedies
Leaves turning whiteFungal infection, powdery mildew1. Remove affected leaves and discard.
2. Apply fungicide specifically formulated for powdery mildew.
3. Improve air circulation by spacing plants properly.
4. Avoid overhead watering.
Leaves turning pale or yellowish-whiteNutrient deficiency, especially iron deficiency1. Apply iron chelate or iron sulfate foliar spray.
2. Use a balanced fertilizer containing micronutrients.
3. Adjust soil pH if necessary to optimize nutrient uptake.
4. Avoid over-fertilization, as it can cause nutrient imbalances.
Entire plant turning whiteSunburn due to excessive sunlight or heat1. Provide shade during the hottest part of the day.
2. Move the plant to a shadier location.
3. Mulch around the plant to retain moisture and regulate temperature.
4. Water the plant deeply and regularly to prevent stress from dry conditions.
Leaves developing white spotsPest infestation, such as whiteflies or spider mites1. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control pests.
2. Remove severely infested leaves or plants to prevent spreading.
3. Maintain good hygiene by regularly cleaning and removing debris from the garden.
4. Introduce natural predators, such as ladybugs or lacewings, to control pest populations.

One of our articles –Parsley Plant Turning Brown.

Why is the parsley plant turning white?

Parsley Plant Turning White

So you’ve observed your parsley plant slowly changing color and turning white. This has alarmed you and you decided to search up why this may be happening.

Sounds somewhat like your story? Well, parsley plant leaves turning white can occur due to a variety of reasons. 

It may range from something as simple as a bit more sunshine and water to major plant disease. Whatever may be the case, you need to pinpoint in first before you take action.

Or else, you may find yourself slapping a bandaid on a concussion and calling it a day! 

So let’s take a look at the common reasons and solutions behind your parsley plant turning white.

Factor 1: The plant can’t produce chlorophyll

We all are familiar with what makes plants green. In case you don’t want to recall your 3rd-grade science teacher, let us give you a quick recap.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment which helps plants sustain their life. This happens through photosynthesis, where sun rays are used to create food for the plants. 

Now imagine what happens when a plant cannot produce this green pigment chlorophyll for some reason! Yepp, a surefire and slow way to die.

Sometimes, plants are hit with a condition called chlorosis. This affects the plant’s ability to create the green pigment and thus the whole system collapses from inside. 

If your plant has been affected, then recovery is a difficult process. The best thing here is to prevent the problem before it occurs. Let’s see how.

Solution 1: Preventing and treating chlorosis

One of the most common reasons for chlorosis is iron deficiency in plants. If this is the case, then the only way to amend this is to use fertilizers rich in sulfur and iron sulfate.

Make sure you do so in moderation. The last thing you’ll want is to create another issue for your plant by over-fertilizing.

Other than iron deficiency, chlorosis can also be caused by waterlogging or damaged roots. So make sure that you don’t overwater your parsley and you’ll be good to go.

One of our articles –Parsley Plant Turning Yellow.

Factor 2: The plant is affected by bacteria

If it’s not chlorosis, the parsley plant may also be affected by bacteria. Now you might be wondering how would you know this?

Even if you’re not an expert gardener, you’ll be able to notice some telltale signs of a bacterial infection. 

If you notice white spots on parsley leaves, then it’s almost always a bacterial or fungal infection. 

If the bacterial infection is in the initial stages, you’ll notice some slight discoloration. But as it progresses, the parsley plant may even die off. 

Here’s how you can fix this.

Solution 2: Treating bacterial infection on plants.

Bacteria like to grow in humid warm conditions. So try not to let water sit on the leaves and stems for too long. 

Also, remember to water only the roots. If you splash water all over the stems and leaves of the plant, then it may take a super long time to dry. 

Moreover, if you keep your plants indoors, then try ensuring that it is in a well-ventilated room where the plant gets enough fresh air.

Or you could shift the plants on the balcony in the morning for it to get some refreshing morning rays. However, do this with caution since moving your plants too much could cause root damage.

Other than tackling a humid condition, try using the best quality seeds to grow your parsley. Today, you’ll find loads of disease-resistant breeds on the market. Although a bit more expensive, these are usually a safe bet.

One of our articles –Parsley Tips Turning White.

Factor 3: The plant isn’t watered properly

Last but not the least, your watering habits may be a little off. This might cause your parsley plants to wither and slowly turn white.

Now you may already know this, but water and sunshine are two basic pillars when it comes to growing a healthy plant. If you mess up on these two areas, it won’t matter how rich the soil is or how great the seeds were.

Here’s some advice on how to water the plants properly.

Solution 3: Watering the parsley plant properly

Now if you have a hard time remembering to water your plants, you may be tempted to create a schedule. 

But if you water the parsley plant when it doesn’t need it, it’s of no use.

So always do a soil test by inserting your finger in the soil. If it’s dry, then water it. Or else, you can skip watering for that day.

Remember that overwatering parsley is also as bad as underwatering it. If you pour excess water on the roots, it may cause them to decay and die off. This is also a major reason for the curly parsley plant turning yellow.

One of our articles –Parsley Seedlings Turning Yellow.

Related Questions

Why is my parsley plant turning white?

There could be several reasons why your parsley plant is turning white. It could be due to a fungal disease, such as powdery mildew, which appears as a white powdery coating on the leaves. It could also be caused by sunburn, nutrient deficiency, or improper watering practices.

How can I prevent my parsley plant from turning white?

To prevent your parsley plant from turning white, make sure it is planted in well-draining soil and receives adequate sunlight. Avoid over-watering, as excess moisture can promote fungal growth. Also, avoid overhead watering and instead water at the base of the plant to keep the foliage dry. Properly fertilize your parsley plant with a balanced fertilizer to ensure it has the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.

How do I treat my parsley plant if it has turned white?

If your parsley plant has turned white due to powdery mildew, you can treat it with a fungicide specifically labeled for powdery mildew. Follow the instructions on the label for application rates and timing. You can also remove the affected leaves and dispose of them to prevent further spread of the disease. If the white color is due to sunburn, move the plant to a shadier location or provide some shade during the hottest parts of the day.

Can I still eat parsley leaves that have turned white?

In general, it is not recommended to consume parsley leaves that have turned white due to powdery mildew or other fungal diseases. These leaves may have a bitter taste and can be harmful to consume. It’s best to remove and dispose of the affected leaves and wait for healthy green leaves to grow before harvesting for culinary use.

How can I promote healthy growth in my parsley plant?

To promote healthy growth in your parsley plant, provide it with well-draining soil, ample sunlight, and proper watering practices. Avoid overcrowding, as good air circulation can help prevent fungal diseases. Regularly check for signs of pests or diseases and take appropriate measures to control them. Properly fertilize your parsley plant with a balanced fertilizer and prune any dead or yellowing leaves to encourage new growth.


So that was our collection of the three major reasons why you may find parsley plant turning white.

If you enjoyed reading our article and found something new, don’t forget to let us know in the comments below. 

Moreover, let us know your experience with growing a parsley plant. We’d love to hear from you. Until then, stay safe and stay happy!


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